Start by
selecting File Maintenance|Edit Company Control Data.
Select the
additional charges tab.
The first
entry in the table should be Sales Tax.
Change the number to the right of the text to your new rate. All subsequently calculated orders with use
this new rate.
Changing the
tax rate can be a problem. Some orders,
for example those that have already been paid in full but not finaled, will have a new total and not be paid in full any
longer. If this is a concern, the rest
of this document explains how to handle situation.
To start, you
need to have TAXRATES set up. You can
see if you have TAXRATES set up by clicking on the Options Page 3 tab. If TAXRATES are not set up you need to check
the box.
If already
checked. You do not need to end the program and restart it. If you are checking the box for the first
time you need to end the program and restart it.
Next you need
to set up TAXRATES in the Lookup File.
To do this, select File Maintenance|Edit Valid
Lookup Data.
Click on the
Find a Category button. If TAXRATES
exists as an option select it and skip ahead to Adding The Old Rate.
does not exist as an option, press Esc and click on the Create A Category
button. The form will appear with a
blank category that you can fill in.
Fill in
Category with TAXRATES. (Be careful. Once
entered it is fixed.) Fill in
Code with Current. Fill in Description
with the rate, e.g. 7.75%
Now you need
to add the old rate.
Adding The
Old Rate:
Click the Add
an Entry in This Category button. You
will get a form as shown below.
Fill it in
with the old rate information like the one below.
You need
to end and restart the program now.
You can use
the old rate in an order now.
Using A
On the Order
Information Form right click on the field labeled Tax Cat. This will produce a popup selection of Tax
Rates. Select the one you want to use
and it will appear along with its rate on the form.
Next click on
the button to the right to Set Calculation Options.
Click to check
the box for Use Tax Category & Rate for Customer. (It doesn’t
matter what the Tax Category or Tax Rate shows on this form.) It’s the rate that shows on the large blue
Order Information form that counts. But
it only is used when the box on the above Order Calculation Options form is
checked. (That
is: the rate that you select and appears on the Order Information form is only
used when Use Category & Rate… box is checked on this Order Calculations
Options form.)
When the
order is calculated it will use the old rate you selected. The customer rate will not change and the
default new tax rate will not change. It
will just change the rate for this order.
So, you are done.